艾爾之光|上古世紀|天堂|新仙境傳說|CS ONLINE|星海爭霸|魔獸爭霸|臥龍吟|瑪奇|最終幻想
  • The draft is Is 3:00 PM EST GMT/UTC -5 That's 3:00 PM EST 2:00 PM CST 1:00 PM MST 12:00 PM PST 8:00 PM Most of UK 9:00 PM Most of Europe
  • In this new Nerd PSA, actress Kaley Cuoco addresses an important issue affecting cosplay girls across the globe: Slave Leia fatigue. With so many choices available to women who cosplay, there's no reason everyone needs to be Slave Leia. By acting now, we can save Slave Leia for when we really need her. #freeslaveleia Video directed by Zachary Levi and features Team Unicorn's Clare Grant, Rileah Vanderbilt and Milynn Sarley.
  • Patrick Beverley makes his 4th quarter return in this game! There's another unfortunate event in the 4th quarter also. 0:59 Skip the intro 1:09 That doesn't count! Wade blocked him! 1:32 I miss another wide open dunk 1:54 Casey Anthony dunk 3:17 Two offensive rebounds 3:55 I'm cold, but it doesn't matter 4:20 Hesitation move for the foul 5:15 Why didn't I miss this dunk? 5:59 Moving screen 3 6:45 The CPU's most overused play 7:25 And1 3 points the hard way 8:00 LeBron behind the back pass 8:52 Flagrant type foul 9:20 FTs to take the lead 9:58 Awful defensive possession 10:50 Beverley Curse starts! 12:07 Beverley finally gets subbed out 12:30 Very very bad! 13:10 Triple team 13:50 Preventing a fast break 14:40 What rhymes with cash?
  • 柳丁講足球的那句是melon 他有 瓜, 甜瓜.圓鼓鼓像瓜似的東西.大肚子的意思 不過只講瓜怪怪的 所以用第六集裡面有講到的呆瓜(stupid melon)和手球(Hand ball)
  • 意譯不直譯,所以不要用來學英文喔有些 下面是直譯柳丁的雙關語 who cut the cheese是指誰在放屁 two's a company, cheese a crowd 上面這句是來自一句英文諺語 Two's company, three's a crowd but what is four and five? 兩個人是一對, 三個是一群那四人跟五人呢? 柳丁把他改了一下 what do you call cheese that isnt yours? 不是你的起司要叫什麼? nacho cheese! (這是一種墨西哥食物) I just dont feel very goudá. (goudá 是一種起司, 柳丁用來代替good) how about a little more cheese with your wine? 要不要多一點起司來配你的紅酒? 乾酪與葡萄酒,是法式餐食主菜之後、甜食之前的一道菜。 you turning into a muenster. muenster也是是一種起司, (柳丁用來代替 monster)
  • Just a typical walkthrough of the new Instance which was updated recently to the KR version of Tera Online. and yes, I died once when no one else did LOL. it really can be a somewhat hard dungeon for melee classes when tankers cant keep their aggros most of the time.
  • Just a typical walkthrough of the new Instance which was updated recently to the KR version of Tera Online. and yes, I died once when no one else did LOL. it really can be a somewhat hard dungeon for melee classes when tankers cant keep their aggros most of the time.
  • 有些FRAPS從我第一次PK / PVP殺死萬億在線(韓國)。享受! 歌曲列表: - 克勞迪亞 Cazacu壯舉。奧黛麗加拉格爾 - Freefalling(原混合) - 濱崎步恍惚 - 關連(Talla2xlc混合)
  • Was bored and waiting for my party to log on, figured id solo some crabs. Fraps makes it a lot harder than it really is ;) Using 24% attack speed gear (max)
  • a young tauren has accepted a difficult quest from Warchief Thrall. Will he be able to complete the mission?