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  • World of Warcraft: How to Win at Achievements (WoW Machinima) There are many achievements in world of warcraft, and in this video, you will learn about the different types of wow achievements.
  • HD PvP match of the Developpers playing against the european guild Boon control! Enjoy the video! If you like this video, and would like to see more of these in the future, please don't forget to rate the video, comment the video and subscribe! Source: LiveStream on esl
  • Beyond the town of Torchlight lies a world shrouded in adventure and mystery.Watch as our character destroy everything in sight.
  • 在這個奧法當道的版本中· 奧法相對簡單的輸出手法,的確讓我們容易達到較高的秒傷,所以就有人喊着火法已死的口號,但事實的確如此嗎?不, 在這場對抗艾里絲拉卓的戰鬥中,火法將能找回自信,並且超越巔峰· 站前準備 火法天賦中我們不點出焦炎之痕及其衍生天賦,這是為了讓點燃順利疊加所準備 大雕文選擇火甲 炎爆 火球 中雕文只有喚醒必備 其他隨意 飾品推薦狂怒共鳴之玲以及月井之瓶 因為其CD時間剛好跟需要爆發輸出的時間點能配合 屬性則以加上團隊增益後致命先達到25%為底線 其他全部重鑄到精通裏 最後別忘了帶上精煉和火山藥水 開場後,在火山噴發的火球砸下來瞬間開啟冰箱,避免被打飛和受到傷害, 然後跟着火鳥屁股後面撿羽毛,揀三根後就能飛上天,並且能夠飛行移動中施放讀條法術,更重要的是這BUFF能增加你的加速屬性,但是有時間限制,你必須要靠鑽火圈來重置BUFF時間,只要連續兩次沒吃到就要墜機, 吃到火圈後會有一個特殊的音效,而如果能預判火圈出現的位置先行到位等待,就能在火圈消失之前再吃一次,此一圈兩吃的手法必須要熟練 另外撞到火雲會大出血 請自行喚醒或者繃帶自補 王在場地上空每繞完一圈就會俯衝一次,俯衝過程中也會出現一個火圈,但位置常常很怪,請注意看好,俯衝下地後,火圈和2火雲會成一排,如果火圈出在中間那個,請注意吃的時候別太靠前以免被順劈砍到, 出了三次火圈後 ,王就會飛上天,完成一次小循環,一次循環有12個火圈可以吃,但理論上每2個火圈就有一個能一圈雙吃,所以理論上最早能吃到18層,不過我也辦不到,等到加速讓你的火球卡1秒GCD後,就改成用炎爆來輸出, 火圈吃到24層後,會給你一個致命加75%的超能力BUFF,等於沒發法術必定爆機刷新點燃,而這時候炎爆也卡了一秒GCD,所以只丟炎爆就能最大化輸出,運氣好還都能疊加點燃爆增傷害, 每過了3個小循環,到了第4個落地就會進入P2,也就是跑龍捲風階段,這時在天空趕緊吃了最後的火圈,然後立刻落地,不然就有美妙5W的沙塵風暴把你秒殺,龍捲風出來後,跟著中間那層的屁股後面跑,別為了貪DPS打王然後被燒死,等P2快結束了,趕緊去找個火圈吃掉,讓BUFF能覆蓋整個P3增傷階段,趕緊去團隊集結點站好位置,然後開始瘋狂炎爆連發,火山藥劑,瓶子也在這個時候開啟,嗜血留給別人開避免斷掉炎爆,由於100%暴擊,所以沒法炎爆都會刷新點燃,並且炎爆和炎爆之間的間隔小於1秒,所以點燃池也就這樣無限疊加上去了,等到王的能量回到40%左右,施放燃火和火沖擴散DEBUFF,就能看到王的血量急速減少,因為如果步驟沒錯,此時的然後一跳是35W以上啊,王要站起來時別忘了補個分身,免得因為OT導致王回頭對團隊順劈造成滅團, 等王的能量回到100%了,他會擊退所有人並且開始掉毛,重新回到P1開始循環,後面的部分基本都相同,我就不作講解了 製片 銀翼要塞伺服器 薛丁格的蘿莉 團隊成員 梓萌(RL 水萌) Darkener(超猛的DK叔叔) 空間裂隙(一直都很想DD的猛坦) 夜空冥光(基情四射的DK坦) 香鬱兒(常常賣萌的小D妹妹) 香啵啵(偶爾賣萌的MS姐姐) 幼綿綿(有時候水水的戰鬥賊,都不轉刺殺) 帕維亞(主力補騎,似乎也是位姐姐) Eveneverla(新人SS,吐槽點未知) 介面插件 UI Elvui 音樂 戰前準備 two steps from hell -altantis 戰鬥音樂 maksim -the flight of the bumble -bee
  • Here's a look at the development behind some of the awesome art and sound for League of Legends: Dominion
  • f there's anything that Vayne teaches us it's that even if you're at home in the shadows, it never hurts to look good. And while we're on the subject of looking good, Riot Games artists Katie DeSousa and Wes Keil are here to bring you a warden of the night that's as fierce as the vile creatures she hunts, yet as captivating as the midnight moon. While the heels of steel and ruby red glasses might show off her elegant sense of style, don't let that fool you. Her crossbows still let you know she means business. Watch our artists shine a ray of light onto her darkened visage in this high speed rendering of Vayne, the Night Hunter.
  • Yelling makes everything better!
  • Hey it's Danke, this is the second video in the series. The goal here isn't to show the flashiest combos, although I do hope you find them to be somewhat flashy, but instead to give practical team combos and reset's that work towards the teams concept. New: ability to skip to different points in the video, the menu to do so comes up after the first text slides. Notation: cap bnb: 1. j. s, st. m, st. h, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s , j. uH, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 2. call dorm, h charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, l charging star hyper charging star. 3. j. s, st. m + call dorm, st. h, cartwheel, H shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, level 3 4. jump, call dorm, j. l shield slash, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s , j. uH, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 5. st.m, st.h, s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, l charging star hyper charging star 6. j. s, st. m, cr. h, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j.uh, m shield slash, x factor, j. uH, h shield slash x however long, h shield slash, m shield slash, l charging star, h charging star. resets: 7,8,9. after j. uH, l shield slash, you can back dash and then call spencer for any type of tech, and dash and cartwheel around to land on either side 10. s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, st.l + call spencer, carthweel, s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, l charging star, final justice. 11. st. m + call dorm, st. h, cartwheel, H shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, backdash, cartwheel, s, j. l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, j. l shield slash, l charging star, l charging star, hyper charging star dorm bnb: 12. cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, dash, flame carpet, s, mmhs, dash, spencer, flame carpet, chaotic flame. resets: 13. after hard aerial knock down, call spencer, otg with flame carpet, st. h, jump, delay, grab, cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, flamecarpet, s, mmhs, call spencer, flame carpet, cr.m, chaotic flame. 14. after hard aerial knock down, call spencer, otg with flame carpet, st. h, jump, delay, j. h, j. s, cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, flamecarpet, s, mmhs, call spencer, flame carpet, cr.m, chaotic flame. spencer bnb: 15. j. s, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, l grapple, bionic maneuvers 16. j. s, cr. lmh, s, mmhs, j. h grabble, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers j. h grapple 17. x factor 3, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, s, mmhs, j. h grapple 18. x factor 3, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. h grabble, j. s, l grapple 19. x factor 3, bionic arm, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, s, mmhs, j. h grapple note: any x factor combo can be started with bionic arm resets: 20. s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. l, delay, air throw, j. h grapple, bionic arm 21. s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. l, delay, j.mhs, j.mhs, s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers. 22. s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, j. m, j. h, j.s, delay, air throw, j. h grapple, armour piercer, bionic maneuvers, j. h grapple. 23. s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, j. m, j. h, j.s, delay, j. m, j. h, j.s, j. m, j. h, j.s, s, mmhs, h grapple, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers style: 24. j. m, j. uH, st.m, cr.H, H shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, j. m, j. uH, m shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. m shield slash, call dorm, l charging star, j. m shield slash, l charging star, l charging star, final justice 25. cr,m, s, meteors, tag spencer, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. s, l grapple, bionic maneuvers, final justice, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, l charging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 26.j.mhs, st. m, st.h, s, mmhs, h grapple, j.s, st.h + call dorm, armor piercer, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers, dhc to hyper charging star at peak height, call spencer, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, l charging star, level 3
  • When the Duke of Milan is brutally murdered, the Assassin Giovanni Auditore is dispatched to investigate. The answers he uncovers implicate Italy's most powerful families reaching all the way back to the Vatican itself. As Giovanni draws closer to the truth, he becomes hunted himself. He must expose the conspirators before he joins their ever growing list of victims. Lineage is the prequel to the Assassin's Creed II story, revealing the machinations of 15th century Italy through the actions of Ezio's father, Giovanni. Episode # 1: 1476, Florence. Giovanni Auditore, an assassin, attempts to thwart a conspiracy against one of Lorenzo de Medicis allies. The ensuing inquiry will take him to Milan where he tries to prevent the worst from happening.
  • If you would like to stay informed as to when I will be streaming more builds, follow me in any of these places, and I will add an update whenever I begin to stream: