艾爾之光|上古世紀|天堂|新仙境傳說|CS ONLINE|星海爭霸|魔獸爭霸|臥龍吟|瑪奇|最終幻想
  • 不知道吃了什麼東西,一邊玩一邊打嗝......= =" 我老是把SUP玩的好像是慈善事業...(笑) 我的LOL功力不強,傷眼請多包涵●´∀`●)ノ 結尾的音樂是「Mc Hammer-too legit to quit」, 結尾的拉意外的真長啊.....@"@ ----------------- ●蘇卡尖叫時易有些許爆音,敬請見諒。 ●今後蘇卡會繼續加油,如果你喜歡我的實況及youtube影片,希望可以點擊訂閱follow我的實況、按喜歡及留言回應任何建議給蘇卡。謝謝! ----------------- ●【Suka蘇卡粉絲專頁】 https://www.facebook.com/GoditSuka https://www.facebook.com/SFSuka (舊) ●【Suka蘇卡實況台】 http://www.twitch.tv/sukalee/
  • We've had a fantastic time at E3 demoing some of the exciting new champions and features coming to League of Legends this year. Since we know a lot of you couldn't make it to the show, we put together this video to share everything we showed behind closed doors with you. Check out our special feature on E3.
  • ew replay request ! im going to make.. Dota 2 top 10 by w200me ! Soon trailer ! Want to send me a replay ? Now it's rlly easy ! After the game where You did something special go to watch section, write there Your nick (You dont even need to write Your hero name) and check date, click search - Done ! Your latest replay is 1st on list.. Second way to find Your replay ! just enter to Your Dota 2 profile and check Your games :) Now let's find it ! go on Your pc: \steam\SteamApps\common\dota 2 beta\dota\replays (FILE WITH YOUR MATCH NUMBER) Want to watch Your replay ? Open console "~" on Your Dota 2 and write "playdemo 2442132.dem" If it fail try to copy Your replay file from replays to dota folder. All done ? Now just mail me ! w200me@gmail.com If the file is too big, upload it somewhere (www.speedyshare.com) and than send me. Question's ? mail me or pm here on tube. Ofc You can also send me info like "I played pugna yesterday and blabla rampage at 13 min" but than I can't guarantee that I will find it.
  • 1. 《闇三國Online》是一款三國故事背景為題的DOTA網上遊戲。 2. 主打過百位魏、蜀、吳、中立等英雄武將全部免費任玩。 3. 首創10vs10對戰模式,2至20人同場超爽快較量! 4. 設有黃巾之亂、董卓之亂、官渡之戰、赤壁之戰等經典關卡副本戰爭。
  •   韓國研發商 XL Games 為目前正在韓國進行第四次封測的《上古世紀》,剪輯了一段長達 34 分鐘的韓國玩家遊玩影片,讓未能參與封測的玩家也可以一窺遊戲的風貌。
  • LYRICS: My friends were offline so I was in solo queue Forever waiting just because of Summoner 2 All I wanted was to play Amumu (oh oh) And then I finally got into a new game I took jungle, Warwick took the solo lane Ashe went mid, so Singed and Ezreal remained (oh oh) It was his free week (oh oh) So of course the Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Went too far, then he appeared (oh, oh oh oh oh) And so we were mid getting pushed back really far Getting headbutted and killed by Alistar Of course Ezreal ran up and missed his R (oh oh) It's not that hard Ez (oh oh) You hit our nexus Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere At this point, the end is clear We can't push out, we must stay here They're getting Baron, that I fear When they see Ez they all must cheer Oh no, Tryndamere Oh no, Tryndamere's here Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere
  • Brace yourselves, summoners, because the moment that you've all been waiting for is almost here! Very soon, League of Legends: Dominion will be making its debut! So dust off your runebooks; throw a fresh coat of polish on those seals, marks, glyphs, and quintesences; and get ready for some fast and furious capture-and-hold style combat on the Crystal Scar. And to help you get acclimated to this new, unrelenting style of combat, our resident expert, Phreak is here to introduce you to the new game mode in style. In our premier Game Mode Spotlight you'll learn all the ins and outs of Dominion, including how to conquer your opponent's capture points and how to navigate the smaller, champion-focused skirmishes that are hallmark of its gameplay.
  • BANDAI NAMCO Games 今(15)日於東京電玩展中舉辦了一場 PS3《海賊王:海賊無雙》的記者會,會中並公開了作品的首支宣傳影片。
  • Me playing an OP champ. 类别: