艾爾之光|上古世紀|天堂|新仙境傳說|CS ONLINE|星海爭霸|魔獸爭霸|臥龍吟|瑪奇|最終幻想
  • Lyrics: She shares models, with Sylvanas And she's always found at Wyrmrest Temple too Her consort's name, is Korialstrasz And she helps you take down Malygos the Blue Some call her the Dragonqueen, Sister of She of the Dream, Joined the Aspects who then stole The Demon Soul Life of the Flame, Call her by name, Alexstrasza, Malygos claimed, Her child named, Keristrasza She loves all life, she barely fights, She hates Deathwing's Black Dragonflight Ruby Sanctum, was taken from, Xerestrasza Alexstrasza, Alexstrasza, Alex-Alexstrasza, Alex-Alexstrasza [2x] Nel-thar-ion Captured her babies, But he's not much of a dad, it's kind of sad. And all those Red eggs, became Twilight, Now they're part of the Sarth fight, but they're just adds (Chorus) Queen of her flight, Aspect of life, Alexstrasza, Majordomo, of Wyrmrest Court, Torastrasza, Wyrmrest Accord, Quartermaster, Cielstrasza, Life of the Flame, Call her by name, Alexstrasza
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