艾爾之光|上古世紀|天堂|新仙境傳說|CS ONLINE|星海爭霸|魔獸爭霸|臥龍吟|瑪奇|最終幻想
  • 大家好  我是凱 現在CSO的ID是MaRveLoUs御忻 這部影片是請好友焠燐 ( ByaKuRanMAXo )製片大師製作的 主要是找突襲的地形高手玩1V1 影片對手為:冰纏水似 Dear一寶寶lo 小龜龜BIG 起初是想要拍攝互相槌死的畫面  來達到實力抗衡的畫面 可是後製篩選畫面的時候焠燐發現他們用地形槌死我的畫面不夠漂亮 所以沒有採用他們的畫面(他們也槌死我好幾次了~"~) 原本還想加上一些鐵布衫的畫面 可是這樣影片長度跟音樂會很難搭 所以我打算在找那些跟我拍的高手繼續拍下集 以他們使用殭屍為主畫面 利用一些走位 鐵布 空鐵的技巧抓爆人類的畫面 這部影片從開始計劃加上拍攝時間再加上影片製作前前後後將近一個月的時間 影片絕對沒有串通沒有放水 因為是實戰 還是會有失誤的地方 不囉嗦了 看影片吧!
  • LYRICS: My friends were offline so I was in solo queue Forever waiting just because of Summoner 2 All I wanted was to play Amumu (oh oh) And then I finally got into a new game I took jungle, Warwick took the solo lane Ashe went mid, so Singed and Ezreal remained (oh oh) It was his free week (oh oh) So of course the Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Went too far, then he appeared (oh, oh oh oh oh) And so we were mid getting pushed back really far Getting headbutted and killed by Alistar Of course Ezreal ran up and missed his R (oh oh) It's not that hard Ez (oh oh) You hit our nexus Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere At this point, the end is clear We can't push out, we must stay here They're getting Baron, that I fear When they see Ez they all must cheer Oh no, Tryndamere Oh no, Tryndamere's here Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere Ezreal fed their Tryndamere
  • *edit* You can still get the quest! You go to the Windrunner Spire..I think in the Ghostlands. Kill them till The Lady's Necklace drops. Thats the quest. After you take it to Sylvanas she sings the song. And you get a book of the lyrics. In both languages they are.. English.. "By the Light of the sun. Children of the Blood. Our enemy's are breaking through Children of the Blood. By the light. Failing Children of the Blood O Children of the Blood By the Light of the Sun Failing Chrildren of the Blood They are Breaking through O Chrildren of The Blood By the Light of the Sun The sun." Thalassian. "Anar'Alath, Anar'Alath belore Sin'Dorei. Shindu Fallen Na Sin'Dorei. Anar'Alath Shindu Sin'Dorei Shindu Fallen Na Sin'Dorei Anar'Alath Belore Shindu Sin'Dori Shindu Fallen Na Sin'Dorei Anar'alath Belore. Belore" Sylvanas use to sing this song (in WoW) after a quest..I don't know which quest though and I think they took it out. But its the Blood elve Eversong Woods background with her singing
  • Lyrics: She shares models, with Sylvanas And she's always found at Wyrmrest Temple too Her consort's name, is Korialstrasz And she helps you take down Malygos the Blue Some call her the Dragonqueen, Sister of She of the Dream, Joined the Aspects who then stole The Demon Soul Life of the Flame, Call her by name, Alexstrasza, Malygos claimed, Her child named, Keristrasza She loves all life, she barely fights, She hates Deathwing's Black Dragonflight Ruby Sanctum, was taken from, Xerestrasza Alexstrasza, Alexstrasza, Alex-Alexstrasza, Alex-Alexstrasza [2x] Nel-thar-ion Captured her babies, But he's not much of a dad, it's kind of sad. And all those Red eggs, became Twilight, Now they're part of the Sarth fight, but they're just adds (Chorus) Queen of her flight, Aspect of life, Alexstrasza, Majordomo, of Wyrmrest Court, Torastrasza, Wyrmrest Accord, Quartermaster, Cielstrasza, Life of the Flame, Call her by name, Alexstrasza
  • League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Blitzcrank, the Great Steam Golem with expert strategy and tactics provided by Riot Games
  • Dota 2 Update News and information regarding Valve's upcoming title: Dota 2 for the week of June 13th, 2011. (Note: Any comments similar to "THIS IS HON NOT DOTA2" will be deleted. I know that, and our audience does as well. I use HoN because it has better graphics than DotA, and HoN is likely to be very similar to Dota 2 because it is a DotA clone with the blessings of Icefrog. I am not trying to mislead, nor am I misinformed.)
  • League of Legends Champion Spotlight featuring Skarner, the Crystal Vanguard, with expert strategy and tactics provided by Riot Games
  • 調色測試.. 請用720p觀賞 這次玩了一下新的地圖 .. 發現還蠻有趣的.. 可以利用關卡上地圖特性閃躲疆屍.. 隨意錄影了一段落分享給各位..