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  • 不過很容易分心,打不了副本 但為了洗副本自殺遇伊芙的話,就不會無聊了XD 還有因為是手機拍的,畫質不好請見諒QQ
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  • Hey it's Danke, this is the second video in the series. The goal here isn't to show the flashiest combos, although I do hope you find them to be somewhat flashy, but instead to give practical team combos and reset's that work towards the teams concept. New: ability to skip to different points in the video, the menu to do so comes up after the first text slides. Notation: cap bnb: 1. j. s, st. m, st. h, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s , j. uH, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 2. call dorm, h charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, l charging star hyper charging star. 3. j. s, st. m + call dorm, st. h, cartwheel, H shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, level 3 4. jump, call dorm, j. l shield slash, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s , j. uH, call spencer, l charging star, l sharging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 5. st.m, st.h, s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, l charging star hyper charging star 6. j. s, st. m, cr. h, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j.uh, m shield slash, x factor, j. uH, h shield slash x however long, h shield slash, m shield slash, l charging star, h charging star. resets: 7,8,9. after j. uH, l shield slash, you can back dash and then call spencer for any type of tech, and dash and cartwheel around to land on either side 10. s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, st.l + call spencer, carthweel, s , j. m, j. h, j. dh, j. l, j. dh, l charging star, l charging star, final justice. 11. st. m + call dorm, st. h, cartwheel, H shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, backdash, cartwheel, s, j. l shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, l charging star, s, j. uH, j. l shield slash, l charging star, l charging star, hyper charging star dorm bnb: 12. cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, dash, flame carpet, s, mmhs, dash, spencer, flame carpet, chaotic flame. resets: 13. after hard aerial knock down, call spencer, otg with flame carpet, st. h, jump, delay, grab, cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, flamecarpet, s, mmhs, call spencer, flame carpet, cr.m, chaotic flame. 14. after hard aerial knock down, call spencer, otg with flame carpet, st. h, jump, delay, j. h, j. s, cr.m, s, mmhs, call cap, flamecarpet, s, mmhs, call spencer, flame carpet, cr.m, chaotic flame. spencer bnb: 15. j. s, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, l grapple, bionic maneuvers 16. j. s, cr. lmh, s, mmhs, j. h grabble, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers j. h grapple 17. x factor 3, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, s, mmhs, j. h grapple 18. x factor 3, cr.lmh, s, mmhs, j. h grabble, j. s, l grapple 19. x factor 3, bionic arm, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j.s, s, mmhs, j. h grapple note: any x factor combo can be started with bionic arm resets: 20. s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. l, delay, air throw, j. h grapple, bionic arm 21. s, mmhs, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. l, delay, j.mhs, j.mhs, s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers. 22. s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, j. m, j. h, j.s, delay, air throw, j. h grapple, armour piercer, bionic maneuvers, j. h grapple. 23. s, mmhs, j. h grapple, j. s, j. m, j. h, j.s, delay, j. m, j. h, j.s, j. m, j. h, j.s, s, mmhs, h grapple, j. s, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers style: 24. j. m, j. uH, st.m, cr.H, H shield slash, j. uH, m shield slash, j. m, j. uH, m shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, j. m shield slash, call dorm, l charging star, j. m shield slash, l charging star, l charging star, final justice 25. cr,m, s, meteors, tag spencer, j. m grapple, down forward swing wire, j. s, l grapple, bionic maneuvers, final justice, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, call spencer, l charging star, l charging star, l charging star, hyper charging star 26.j.mhs, st. m, st.h, s, mmhs, h grapple, j.s, st.h + call dorm, armor piercer, armor piercer, bionic maneuvers, dhc to hyper charging star at peak height, call spencer, l charging star, s, j. uH, l shield slash, l charging star, level 3