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  • Rihanna - What's my name / Only Girl - A cappella Cover - Peter Hollens - Beatbox
  • Only Girl - - Mike Tompkins - beatbox
  • Rolling In The Deep - A Cappella Cover - Adele - Mike Tompkins - Beatbox
  • Firework - A Capella Cover - Mike Tompkins - Beatbox
  • 整個場面都被那個男的hold住了~XD~~
  • 我決定讓你們知道一個偉大的新方法玩WOW,是免費的!只要觀看本教程,請務必閱讀說明的指示,你應該讓WOW在任何時間免費! 1。獲取 WOW的http://us.battle.net/wow/en/ 2。登入 CATAWOW http://catawow.net/ 3。編輯你realmlist的文件說:設置 realmlist logon.catawow.net 4。下載 CATAWOW.EXE,並粘貼在WOW文件夾 5。啟動 CATAWOW.EXE 6。在與您的CATAWOW配置文件 7。享受樂趣吧!
  • Brace yourselves, summoners, because the moment that you've all been waiting for is almost here! Very soon, League of Legends: Dominion will be making its debut! So dust off your runebooks; throw a fresh coat of polish on those seals, marks, glyphs, and quintesences; and get ready for some fast and furious capture-and-hold style combat on the Crystal Scar. And to help you get acclimated to this new, unrelenting style of combat, our resident expert, Phreak is here to introduce you to the new game mode in style. In our premier Game Mode Spotlight you'll learn all the ins and outs of Dominion, including how to conquer your opponent's capture points and how to navigate the smaller, champion-focused skirmishes that are hallmark of its gameplay.
  • (國外網友 CodeMnmon製作,把飯拍視頻的嘈雜聲音替換了,你們現在聽到的是她們在錄音棚裡純淨的聲音。) 鄭氏姐妹花 - 雖然是兩姐妹,但公開同台共演還是第一次 Jessica&Krystal-Tik Tok (SMTown Live )
  • 玩魔獸的人都知道, swifty的名號跟他的廣告一樣犀利 響徹WOWer中·· 經常看到影片中, 那漂亮的傷害,那華麗的數字 令小妹十分羨慕嫉妒恨·· 小妹有天天上youtube看影片,NGA爬文,巴哈上PO文的習慣, 發現看了swifty的暴擊這個片後, 進魔獸去打,仿照swifty 從天賦,符文,巨集,buff,裝備搭配,按鍵等等的設置 發現自己犀利了, 傷害高了, 但沒有swifty大大那麼厲害, (貌似片中都是swifty的托,應該只是做個測試,錄個片子的親友團) 可是也感覺比以前死的更快了·· 片中詳細介紹了swifty的巨集設置,裝備搭配等· 還詳細對各個職業進行了測試 (競技場中, 托啊 ··) 後面在打戰場時候,一下幾十萬的傷害,誰受的了啊·· Music Push Instrumental - Autems Decent Shotgun Senorita - Blue Stahli Damage Vault - Harbinger No one can stop me - DjEphixa 最後發自肺腑的說一句,swifty, 你丫的敢不敢出一部不賣鼠標鍵盤的影片··